Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Betty, has a Sister!

New addition to the family!!! in the house!

I'm embarrassed to admit that I started this quilt five years ago, but I'm happy to report that the top is now complete. On to quilting it!

A long time coming...

This quilt from way back is now ready for borders!

Thread Catcher

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Sunday, January 27, 2013

I feel like a real quilter!

Ok, i was short background fabric....had to piece it together just like a pioneer woman. (Lol).
Half sewn!

Borders on.

I got them on but have some big puckers or whatever they are called in it. That said,  still proud of it.

Candace's mystery top

I'm going to try to make good on this vow (that's a serious word, you know!) and get this quilted soon!!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Look what came home,

From the quilter that is.... I love them, the quilting is really great on the progressive. Now to bind! :0)

My template quilt

I finally got my borders done. Working on the mystery quilt gave me the confidence to do them without someone (Cindie & Janette) holding my hand. Thanks girls.  I don't know if I did them right but I like it.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Pics to come tomorrow!

So, I got all of Block B blocks made yesterday. I still have 8 of Block A to finish, but they are started. That's my goal for tomorrow. I started to put the rows together as I go, but somehow I ended up with fewer than the required "green" squares and had to cut more. Since I had to introduce a couple of new fabrics and I'll want to spread those out a bit in the finished top, I decided to stop sewing rows and just get those last blocks made.

HOWEVER, (Isn't there always a "however"???), Savannah's room has just gotten to be so messy. I actually was spurred on to gut out her room after watching an episode of "Hoarders: Buried Alive" last night while I was stitching. I decided to threaten to take all of her belongings (less the essentials for life!) and box them all up. I figured that she might be willing to part with more things if she got a taste of what it could be like with wayyyyyyy less junk in her room. When I threatened it, she asked if I would PLEASE do it!! So, we have been boxing and bagging junk... sorting through her dresser and closet.... Just plain gutting that room out. It looks so much better!

I'll share pics of my mystery tomorrow. Remember, you are welcome to come and sew in the afternoon if you are able to! It might be a good idea to call/text/blog that you are planning to come so I can try to get spaces ready for you. I don't really have any extra tables, but I could go to Mom's and get some.... Or you could bring a table if you are coming? Whatever the case, please feel welcome to come and stitch away with me!

Bears need homes too!!

I guess, I did it, right! Though next time I try I probably will need Dyl!!

Good job!

Shawna, you've done a great job!!! All you need to do is the border,huh!  Can't wait to see it all completed.

Sunday, Sunday...

We went to Napavine meeting this morning and then headed to Tacoma. We went to the Rialto Theater for the Tacoma Symphony Orchestra's performance of Peter and the Wolf. Pretty fun!

Oops! No pics of us there!! But here's one of us on the way home in the car. lol

So far so good

This is it so far.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Saturday ramblings....

We had a nice morning in service... Now I'm working on getting laundry done and stitching a bit on the mystery quilt. I must say, it just isn't the same to be working on this quilt without the busy sounds of you all stitching and chatting around me. It's too bad we aren't all sewing together today!! Anyways, I am hoping to make a dent in what I have left to do for this quilt. It's actually quite amazing how this very piecey quilt top is coming together rather quickly. I'm impressed that Shawna has her center together... that's amazing, girl! I hope to catch up soon.

Deanna's thinking of coming over Monday after service to sew at my house. If anyone else is so inclined, you should come too! I don't have nearly the amount of space that some of you all have, but we can make it work!

I don't have any of Block B done yet, so my "progress" picture isn't going to show much. But I thought I would at least remind you of my colors!!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

New block...

I seem to be blog crazy. I have been getting ready for the house to show and blogging all morning. Just laid out my next and (I think) last block. I like it! Have a said "I love afternoon meeting"??? I do!!!

A few more pics...

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Thank you! What a surprise!

Wow! How awesome was that surprise you all pulled tonight! We love the quilt. I didn't have even the tiniest inkling that anything was going on. Thank you, everyone!

Happy unanniversay......and a lot of laughs.

Thanks for coming. I had a blast! Only one complaint...the same one as always, it ends WAY to soon. Sorry all my pics are blurry, dumb tremor. Better blurry then not taken. My memories aren't blurry,you are all crystal clear in my minds eye. And....beautiful! Thanks again for the great time.

Show and Tell?

Hope you guys post pictures so I'll know what I missed!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Cindies puppies

Public announcement !

Don't forget tomorrow is our big "stitch in"!!!! Be here when ever you can after nine. Lots of room for everyone. I have a pound of coffee and creamer enough to go around. See, what more could you need? Good friends,sewing, yapping and even a cup a joe.

Linda-Happy Anniversary

You and Jim enjoy your weekend!

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


We have puppies, 3 dark ones and two that look like wren! sooooo cute. I wish i could post a picture, but my computer wont let me. Tell Savanna she can come see them. You too Alex and Sammy!

Sunday, January 6, 2013