Thursday, September 18, 2014

Sew day

Our next sew day is at my house!  I'm so excited!  October 18th at 1:00. If you have a hand project that would be great....if not bring your machine and we will be cozy!  I can't wait!!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

More farewell party

Pics and a date!

Here are a row blurrrry pics from our lunch farewell with Adrianne. 

I had a great time!  Hope everyone else did too!!  Hope you are getting moved in and comfy Adrianne!  Let's keep in touch on here!  

Karen has said we could meet at her house on September 14th.  It's a Sunday so right after meeting.  I'm so excited!  It feels like it's been a long time.  And.....she's going to move and I want to get in all the karen time I can!  

Hope all your days are happy!  Deanna