Friday, June 28, 2013

Binding machine....that's me!

I finished the binding on that {long overdue} heart quilt for Rachell while helping out at Deanna's garage sale today. I'd have been happy [thrilled!] to just have finished that one. As an afterthought and on a whim, I decided to take along the Berenstain Bears quilt too since it was binding-ready. Well, lo and behold, I got that one done too!! Wahoo!! 

Super cute pieced backing {used up all the leftover hunks of B. Bears fabric!}
My favorite binding fabric in a long while

Sixth completed project in 2013 - the year of finishing projects for me!


Many, many moons ago, I made this quilt top for my niece, Rachell. I didn't take too long to piece the top, but then it went into a bin.....

Now, MANY YEARS LATER, it has been resurrected and completed....not in time for her childhood bedroom, not in time for her to get one along with her brother at his graduation, not in time for her high school graduation. 

No, she has now graduated from COLLEGE and I finally have it finished. Good grief! Maybe she'll save it for her firstborn daughter someday!?!?!! {I'm so embarrassed...}

Fifth completed project of 2013

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Red Velvet

This is what I have so far:  one new and the other from at least four years back!

Remember this one?

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Janette's latest projects

This is the table runner
This is her progressive quilt

Monkey quilt done

I put the last stitches in the binding last night. I made this for Jason and Kim Robinson's baby, Noah Tucker Robinson. They call him Monkey already, so it's pretty fitting! I'm in love with the Minkee backing! so soft!! Fourth completed quilt of 2013! Two more are close!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Evening update....

Berenstain Bears quilted and trimmed. Still needs binding. 

Monkeys quilted, trimmed, binding half done. Two corners to go! Super soft Minkee backing...


I am having a jewelry party Friday night at six.  If you want to come.....I want to have you!  If you don't or can't come......I understand.  ðŸ˜Š  Deanna


I'm excited to say that I got the Berenstain Bears quilt that was loaded on the machine quilted this morning. After getting just a bit more housework done, I went to Sisters and used my fabulous Jelly Roll Race winnings [Thanks, Cindie and Adrianne!] to buy a Minkee backing for a different baby quilt...and I GOT THAT ONE QUILTED TOO!!!!!!! Wow!

I have to run because I have an appointment, but I will post pics later tonight. Wahooooooo!

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Hoping to quilt a bit...

I loaded this baby quilt tonight. Hoping to quilt soon....tomorrow?
My latest effort! Love it!


My little Brother

This is posted to illustrate a conversation........


Isn't it fun to get busy? After a bunch of years got a red and white done.  Do you remember when we did these?
A baby quilt for some grandma.

My bow ties and an appliqué....

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Learning curve


If I can figure out how to post from my ipad, I show pictures of my red quilt. Don't hold your breath!

  I'll get the hang of things yet!

My row along quilt

Here are my next two rows
      Wild flying geese and some mugs. Sooooo..... What has everyone else been working on?

Monday, June 10, 2013

It's a go!

Hazen says we can meet at her house on the 4th!

We can go around ten. Bring a topping for a baked potato.
Plan to sew like a wild thing...if that's what you want to do.
Oh yea, come ready to laugh and enjoy the day too.
Cindy also says...
If we want to sew on Saturday that would be fine with her. Two days of fun!
If you have the day free and aren't at the assembly soaking in the paradise.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

More show and tell from Saturday

Lois has been working on this.
Candace's long-time project....why did I leave this unfinished for so long?!?
Jane just needs to add a binding. (Bonus point for the first to identify the legs in the pic!)
Front of Jane's churn dash quilt
And, here's the back!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Gloria's new quilts

Here are a few of the latest...


It's here, it's here! Today's the day! Let's sew girls!!!!

Gloria's at ten.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Alert! Alert!

Got your attention? Well, good!

Next Saturday is our quilt group day. We are going to move it to Gloria's house at 2:00. Help to spread the word!!