Sunday, December 22, 2013

Anniversary Quilts - Want to Help?

So, we have a few couples {who haven't received quilts} that are celebrating anniversaries in 2014. None of them are "the" 20th anniversary... each of them are far past that. {One got one of our beginning quilts that was tied... when we recently chatted, we included them on the TO-DO list.... they are at 31 years now!!!}

So, I am looking for volunteers to head up these projects. Maybe you???

What that means is that you would choose one of the couples and determine a plan of action for their anniversary quilt. Sometimes the project leader will choose just the pattern. Other times, she chooses a focus fabric that ties the project together... it is really up to you. Usually, you can strongarm one of the longarm ladies to do the quilting. We also have members who are willing to just add the borders or just do the binding... We just need someone to get in the driver's seat and help make it all happen. Vroom, vroom!

I don't want to publish the list of couples to try to preserve the surprise. But, if you are willing to take the lead on one of these projects, let me know! You can text me at 360-269-2078 or email at to find out more. Or.... we can chat about it at the next quilt date (January 25 at Gloria's).


  1. I agree, thank you for the up dates. You u can count me in on the fun! Would love to do a quilt for someone. :-)

  2. I have a couple finished quilts that I would donate if there's someone that needs it fairly soon?

  3. Also have my thread catcher quilt that only needs a binding and I'm working on that right now
