Sunday, July 29, 2012

Boohoo.....hoo. whine or wine...

OK you know I love my kids.  Well if I could turn this picture you would see my new sewing room with a bed and dirty clothes all over the floor.  That's where the boo hoo comes in.  The children I gave birth to I love, I even enjoy it when they come home for a visit, new room.  I did manage to get a few bow ties done.  My new mantra is "this too shall pass" and I will probably miss it when it about 6 months. Tomorrow I am shoving the bed to the garage and will be sewing in here.  I will even post a picture so you will know I can shove stuff around.  Happy Sunday night.  (wasn't that a great lesson in the Watchtower today)  Hoping to apply all I learned, or even a little.


  1. One of my lovely children is with one of your lovely children - so I'm heading to my sewing machine QUICKLY! Hope you get to sew bunches tomorrow...

    1. ...maybe even with a glass of wine.

    2. My plan exactly! Right after my tooth is filled, I will very much deserve the glass of wine.

    3. How are you after the dentist?

  2. Dee I finally found your blog and have been reading your comments. I enjoyed that lesson too! Thinking I need to polish up my mirror a little.
