Saturday, July 28, 2012

Still trying to post photos


  1. Have you found that little icon for pictures yet? If you click on "New Post" you get a new screen where you can type in your message. Once you are on that screen, there is a line of "stuff" starting with "Compose" and then HTML, a couple of arrows, font buttons to change the font, bold, underline. Font color, etc. then you'll see "link" and then a tiny little picture icon. It kind of looks like a pic of a mountain. That is the "insert image" button. Click on that. Then you'll see a button to browse. Click on that and you can find where you have the image stored that you want to upload. Once you have uploaded to that screen, make sure the picture is selected (you can tell that it is selected if there is a blue outline all the way around the picture on your screen). Then click on Add Selected. The picture will show up in your message. Make sure you have all the text included that you want, then click on Publish. Tada! You're done! Hope that helps. (but it may be a bunch of go billy goop in reality!)

    1. I'm wondering if I need an app I don't have.

  2. You don't need any type of app to post pics from your computer - just from mobile devices like cell phones or the iPad or other tablets. We'll help you get it figured out soon!
