Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Our Youngest Member

So. remember when I was the youngest in the group? (Am I imagining that? Maybe I never REALLY was the youngest... but it was close!) Where have the years gone? Because... I am definitely not the spring chicken I used to be. "Bock, bock-bock, bock..."

While she isn't jumping at the chance to sew and she may be entirely less interested today than she was at the time, Savannah has had her moments of being sew-crazed. Wasn't she cute here at Tam's house for a sewing day?

I can predict EXACTLY when she'll be reignited and overwhelmed with desire to sew... just as soon as we make plans for a weekend retreat - and she'll think she should go too. Yeah, right. Not yet, sweetheart! Those are still just for Mommy.


  1. Too cute. I can just hear her wanting to go with us. Hopefully one day. Wouldn't it be cool if all our daughters came with us, when they are old enough to truly help themselves of course! Deanna

  2. I'm sure you really were the youngest, Candace, unless Sabrina is younger? Never mind! I'm all for the mother-daughter thing (when old enough)which mine to get the 2nd daughter to join us! Small miracle!
