Sunday, September 16, 2012

Good Weekend... even though I haven't sewn

After the first few weekends of the school year where I feel rummy and can barely string two thoughts together, I feel like I've really been able to enjoy this weekend.

I was pretty tired Friday after school, so I didn't get much done except going through the car wash and doing a couple of loads of laundry - and some veggin' out time on the sofa. I did get my service bag ready before I went to bed.

I had a great morning in service yesterday, did a bit of general housecleaning, and then tackled my closet. Oh my. It's almost done... We went to dinner at Peking House which was a nice treat.

Today, I got up and studied my Watchtower. I made waffles for my family and enjoyed meeting a lot. Boy, Br. McLane sure gave a great talk. This afternoon, I did a bit of reading, did family worship with the kids, wrote a couple of mini-grants for school, and am baking cookies right now.

Yay for a nice weekend. Yay for being done with my own schooling... guess I better get my correcting and grading done so I can enjoy what's left of the day!

What have you all been up to??


  1. Sounds like a wonderful weekend! Sad I missed Service, but so excited to have finally found "George's" kryptonite! STEROIDS! It's amazing how much better you feel when you can breathe and sleep!

    I haven't sewn at all either, but have studied, finished one book and started another, did my laundry, and am now baking a coconut pumpkin chocolate chip banana bread to share at work tomorrow. Also, I am preparing a new blog post with pictures for you all...just need to figure out a couple things!

    Br. M's talk was outstanding today, he is super knowledgeable and encouraging!

    J/N left at the half to go to Puyallup to see her niece's interview at the assembly.

    1. When he finished talking about the solar system including seasons and temps, I leaned over to Elijah and said: he just covered an entire unit of science info in less than five minutes! It was a great talk.

      How fun to get to see her neice's part. That's awesome!

  2. Wow are you two productive! So sad I missed the talk. Marge I'm glad you figured out a legal way to "kill George" I was plotting to "kill" him but....steroids work great. It's amazing how much energy they give you also. Cathy always says she feels like "wonder woman" while taking them. We did accomplish a lot mom has water and we have no walls that need tore out. Just for the record I hate drywall dust as much as I hate George. Have a happy week...oh yeah, I will be thinking Friday thoughts all week! Happy, happy day!!!!
