Sunday, September 16, 2012


So... I snooped back to the beginning of this blog.  Wow, have we had a lot of fun.  I have been thinking that November is getting close. I really think tradition should be followed and we should SEW!  Don't know what November will bring, but...if our old house has not sold and is put back together enough to find our way to the bathroom (ya know Corona makes you have to pee). We could use this house.  I miss us all getting together!! The laughs, food and basic Tom Foolery!!! (capitalized for effect) What prairiewezel thing could come up next?  So...what do ya think?? Who is up for a three day sew-in??  Just say yes.....even if you have just had a wedding, birthing, or what ever else life throws at ya!  YES?


  1. YES!!!

    I selfishly hope your house doesn't sell until December 1 so that we are SURE to do it!

  2. December 1st works for me. Could you add that to your prayers?

  3. So noted, sign me up...and hey, we can help you pack before we go home?!?!?

  4. The bonus two are the bestest friends a girl can have! You ROCK!

  5. Here's my YES! We can spread the word........
