Wednesday, September 12, 2012

quilty? nope.....

I wish I had something quilty to show but...nope.  I have no pictures and really have not been sewing much.  I have been really enjoying fall though.  It is so nice to go to work at 8:00 and get off at 3:00.  Got the last of my gift for my secret sister today.  We meet in just 10 days.  Se excited to see everyone and see everyone's gifts. So...until we meet again together...I'll just share a laugh and have a song...OK Carol Burnett would not be proud (probably don't even have the words right) but have a great night!


  1. No quilting here, but having a much better week at school. :) Looking forward to our special meeting tomorrow night!

    1. Me too! Actually was wishing I had some African attire. Not sure it would be appropriate but would like to show how much I want to learn about how they serve Jehovah there. Really can't wait!!
      On a school note, It's funny how when someone signs even one or two words I get so excited. PA-THE-TIC

  2. I am looking forward to tonight also..... I'll wear my elephant! We have corn for giveaway....I think we'll put it in the trunk and share with whoever wants some after meeting!
