Tuesday, September 4, 2012

One hour a day.

So....I follow Bonnie Hunter's blog. She just announced an one hour a day hand work challenge.  I have had some sitting on my keester time, so I joined in. My stitches are not great but they really have improved over a few hours. I won't be able to do this daily but. ....whenever I can.  If you want to join me for a "by hand hour" I would love it"!


  1. I have a binding I'm working on! Let's play!

  2. Candace sounds good. What about Friday night? Marge and Jane are you up for it????
    Jane thanks! For dinner too!

  3. OOH! I saw her post and thought about joining in! Count me in too?

  4. ok Friday night my house. Whenever you get off work. Maybe we can order pizza. If my house doesn't work for peeps, just let me know. :O)

    1. I love that we are peeps. (chuckle)

      I'm planning to come. Hoping life lets me.

  5. YeeHaa!!!! I have the pizza number on "speed dial" ready and waiting. Marge???? Jane?????

  6. Friday will be a long day in service, but I may pop in to say hi and watch you.....
    Showing my ignorance here, but what's peeps?

    1. Peeps are slang for people....at least that's what I think it means. Have to admit sometimes I hear a word...think I am using it right just to find out, NOPE not right at all. Maybe like hard of hearing people answering what they thought was the question and then.....NOPE. Makes for a good laugh though.

  7. Oh, I did add Bonnie Hunter to my blog list and it didn't cause me any trouble.

  8. Yay! Can't wait! I will pack my bag and bring it to work with me Friday. Please let me know if I can bring anything? Not sure what I will bring? Probably Double Wedding Ring EPP...but for sure will be dragging my sinus irritant "George"!!!

    1. I wish I could check "George" at the door. Hope my dusty house doesn't encourage him to hang out longer. Can't wait till you all get here....should go to sleep now so tomorrow will come faster!
