Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day one!

Whelp (is that a word?), I did it. Got my heinie up early, studied...and walked it to school. What a nice morning. Note to self...deodorant in my bag. Eww don't want to be the stinky kid.


  1. Hey I'm the 70th post! shouldn't there be a gift for that or something. I'm kinda surprised my computer didn't sing or something. Anyhow...gifts accepted at a latter date. No exclusions apply. (lol) Have a sunny day!

    1. Wait untile you're the 100th one! There will be all kinds of prizes! (won't there, Candace?)

    2. Don't tempt me. I could definitely think of 30 things to post about! Can think of the prizes I would like to get too! (sinister grin)hehehaha

    3. Hmmm hmmm, let ME be the sinister one! I have some "prizes" to share:

      A basket of dirty laundry that needs washing, a load of towels that need folding, a stack of skirts that need ironing, a couple of toilets that need scrubbing...

      Ooooh, I'm on to something!

  2. Cograts! Nice view! So how was it? Did you have a wild child?

  3. No kids yet, just all staff. Today and Thursday it will be just staff. School starts next Wednesday. Kinda getting excited. Didn't realize how tired I would be after such a short walk and day. Wow do I feel old. My "shape" will get better quick I hope. I wanna walk faster and without sweating. And I would prefer oblong to round!

    1. Glad you got it done today! I can vouch for the exhaustion - I'm there! Whew! Full day today of meetings and preparation. 25 kiddos tomorrow. I'm, um, ... ready. (I think)
