Sunday, August 26, 2012

 The quilt show was amazing! Deanna, Jane, and I had a great time. We missed ALL of YOU! Maybe next time?? Anyways, we have TONS of awesome photos that we took of stunning, breathtaking, and/or amazing quilts - but there is a bit of a glitch.

See, we had this {very} fun idea to post a "Pic a Day" from the show for your viewing delight.  That would have been so fun, right? WRONG. Sadly, the quilt police copyright police say that photos can only be posted online with written permission from each quiltmaker. So, we won't be posting the photos since we don't want any problems with anyone.

So, what will we do? I have many of the photos on my iPad. When we meet to sew on Saturday, September 22 at 2:00, I'll be sure to have the iPad there so you all can drool over them. Honestly, the photos don't do these quilts justice. They were beautiful.! We can't wait to share!

Deanna, you should post the ones we took of US!


  1. I'm so glad I snitched them those few minutes they were on display. Oops! I didn't say that.
