Sunday, August 26, 2012

Why am I still up??

My clothes are ready. Classroom is ready. Lesson plans are done. Bag is packed.

I am such a night owl that I can't get myself wound down and ready for bed. Heading there now... hopefully I won't have too many nightmares! This is always the time for dreaming that I am in my classroom in my jammies with no desks and no lessons... all boys... fire drill with locked doors... no students showing up... only parents showing up... alarm clock not going off... forgetting how to get to school from the freeway... You name it: This is the time of year to fear it dream it.

The truth is that everything is ready so it's all irrational. It's always good to get the first week under my belt.


  1. You're in my prayers! Have a wonderful day!

    I'm at the opposite end of the spectrum.... up since 4am, can't sleep, trying to get my mind focused on regular routine of service. Satan sure knows how to level out the high spots, doesn't he?

    1. Sorry you couldn't sleep! But I hope your day in service today is wonderful! :o)

  2. I slept very well. Not a single nightmare that I can recall! Maybe it was therapy to spell them all out ahead of time... or maybe they'll happen tonight instead! We'll see!

  3. Wow! Rough night for all of us it would seem! I was awake until 4 a.m! Stumbled out of bed at 6 for work and feeling miserable still! Get over it Marge!

    Thought about Candace all morning...sending you hugs and hope it's a wonderful day!

    Hope everyone else's day is wonderful as well! Hugs and miss you!
