Sunday, August 12, 2012

Old friends

How fun to catch up with the Hofmeisters . Way too long between visits.


  1. OK before you say it....YES I took my pill. Must be a faulty phone.

  2. Well, blurry is better than no pic! Next time I wanna go!!

  3. That would be great. I'm thinking we should go once every other month somewhere. Just nice to get out and see the world (or the lack of the world). Jenny's congregation does a ton of fun things. They did a trek into the "promise land", complete with costumes, props, manna, and then had a sleep over in the wilderness. Sounded really fun. We need to plan a few things.

    1. Yes we do. Let's make sure to chat about that tomorrow. We need to get everyone together more often and plan fun stuff like that.
