Friday, August 3, 2012

Pioneer School

10 more getups and I'll be in pioneer school! I am SO excited......didn't think I'd make it!


  1. So exciting. Of course, WE knew you'd make it!!

  2. Me too...I knew you would make it. Wow the closer it gets the more jealous I become!

  3. Congratulations Jane! An excellent accomplishment. Can't wait to hear all about your experiences with it. This is your 2nd time going, right?

    1. Yes. The 1st time was in '87...much water gone by. I had pioneered 6 yrs, then had to quit. This is my 2nd yr back at it. I should have had to go at least another 4 yr. to make it to the 12 yr mark........ that's why I didn't think I would make it! But suddenly, the limit was lowered. They wanted all pioneers to have gone through the new book and by the end of summer, they will have! So I thank Jehovah for the favor!!!!

    2. That's so wonderful Jane! Blessings all the way around.
