Monday, August 20, 2012

Our pioneer group

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  1. This is so cool. I love this picture. Looks like a wealth of knowledge. The only thing missing is my face. Maybe again one day...

  2. I'm so glad you posted this! Such a nice picture...

  3. From Picasa I can post pictures! Whodah thunk.......? love you guys......4 more days..... see some of you for Friday lunch!

  4. What a beautiful picture! Especially the sister in the front row, blue dress, third from the left!! Ooh...and is that Mary Lambson sitting next to you?

    Jane, have to tell you that your answers at Meeting Sunday were inspiring! Can't wait to hoard more of those gems!

    Hugs to you all and have a spectaular day!

    1. What a nice thing to say! Yes, that's Mary next to me. I am enjoying getting to know her better, and I love her comments....

  5. It was so nice to meet all of these pioneers!

    (Even if most of it was just to ask "Vegetarian or chicken enchiladas?")

    Still, I got to talk to ALL of them! Such an honor!
